5 ways continuous payroll is shaping the future of work
The Payroll Navigator 2024

Debunking career development conversations myths
When done right, career development conversations can be a powerful tool that boosts the overall employee experience. However, some misconceptions may prevent your organisation from harnessing the full power of this key driver. Below, we’ve untangled 6 common myths associated with career development sessions.

Why artificial intelligence is the next wave of HR recruitment
Why AI is the next wave of HR recruitment?
The life of a recruiter is not an easy one tending to sway from feast to famine quicker than you can say ‘CV’. Throw in increasing pressure to find and acquire the best candidates, the labour intensive process of candidate screening and constant macro economic disruption from events like the financial crisis, Brexit and a pandemic, you start to get a picture of the challenges involved.

When HR tech meets fintech: 5 exciting prospects
The challenges HR teams face have already been extensively documented. Attractive rewards, the war for talent and poor employee retention being just some of them. “There’s no panacea to these challenges”, says Nils De Bremaeker, CFO at WorxInvest. “But help is on the way from an unexpected angle: fintech can boost the added value of HR tech.”

Safeguarding long-term employability
Creating the right conditions for your staff to have long and happy careers has become more challenging than ever before. And digitalisation has made the future of some positions highly unpredictable. According to Jill Everaert, Manager SD Worx Academy at SD Worx Belgium, your best bet is to create an employee-driven learning culture, look for passion and talent in your team and foster it with a customised offering.

Bringing core values alive with rewards and recognition
Core values help your company define its identity and orient its people. However, these principles aren’t always easy to instil in others, so ensuring your workers understand and follow them can be tricky. Recognition of value-driven behaviour could well be the missing link. Here are some tips to get you started.

How SILVA Medical Improved their Recruitment process and Candidate Experience through HR Digitalisation
As the healthcare industry in Belgium is mature and there is a war for talent, SILVA Medical, a Belgian hospital group, faced issues in its recruitment processes and candidate experience. The non-profit has always had strong assets in terms of attracting talent, but these were not highlighted, and its communication left room for improvement. The HR department wanted to catch up with a delay in the digitalisation of the organisation

Fostering an inspiring corporate culture
With start-ups popping up everywhere, new working methods and a war for talent, the need to stand out with an inspiring corporate culture has grown. Ashvin Pudaruth, Managing Director of SD Worx Mauritius, boils it down to a simple choice: ‘Either you make culture, including values and leadership, a strategic priority or you don’t; there is no middle way.’

Stay connected to your hybrid workforce: 4 tips
About 1 in 3 hybrid employees feel disconnected from their corporate culture. Here are 4 ways to counter that feeling, from introducing collaboration tools to tackling proximity bias.

From the Netherlands to Spain: Koen’s Inspiring Relocation Story
Koen’s long-time dream to relocate to Spain became a reality when Dutch company Launch! became a part of SD Worx SAP solutions and he took the opportunity to move to sunny Andalusia.
In March 2022, Koen moved from the Netherlands to Malaga, Spain. He is a Service Delivery Manager at SD Worx SAP solutions and serves as the central point of contact for clients and manages colleagues. Read on to discover more about his relocation adventure.

Embracing the fluidity of work
As hybrid workforces continue to become more prevalent, schedules, workplaces and even jobs are no longer fixed. ‘Our work today is highly fluid’, says Maurice Bisschop, General Manager at SD Worx Staffing & Career Solutions Netherlands. ‘There’s no point in resisting; your only option is to go with the flow.’

CSRD requires companies to report on equal and fair pay
The new Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive requires large companies to report on equal and fair pay from 2023 onwards. Get the ins and outs.

How to become an employer of choice
A whopping 42% of European employers struggle to find talent. And it’ll probably get worse before it gets better. Only employers of choice aren’t affected. But how do you become one? Well, we’ve compiled a list of 9 ways to increase your appeal. SD Worx experts guide you through them, while sharing insights, remarkable figures, tips, and much more.