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Loosening the strings on HR and Payroll

Loosening the strings on HR and Payroll

With 2020 just around the corner, it’s that time of year to start looking ahead at what’s to come. But a new year doesn't necessarily bring about completely new trends. Rather it sees a continuation of developments, as well as shifts in certain areas to meet new requirements. Today, work is more fluid than ever before. Workers want to be in control, they have an appetite for real-time information and expect things to get done instantly, whilst on the go. The workforce has an agile mindset and little tolerance for friction. We see this fluidity reflected in how work and life have become even more intertwined and this is only set to continue as we enter into the next chapter of 2020.


SD Worx Unleashes Global People Services across Europe

The SD Worx team has been busy! Not only did the team exhibit and present at UNLEASH Paris 2019, but we also launched our brand new Global People Services offering for the mid-sized market across Europe.


3 ways HR can improve employee engagement

Employee engagement is a hot topic in the industry today, with organisations looking to maximise the potential of their workforce in the digital age. However, a recent Harvard Business report revealed that although 71% ‘rank employee engagement as very important to achieving overall organisational success’, only 24% of respondents say their employees are ‘highly engaged’.

Nl_Bijna een op de drie hr- en payrollprofessionals vreest dat hun organisatie vaardigheden mist om Brexit op te vangen_1200x800_1

Helping employees deal with Brexit uncertainty

A recent survey from the CIPD, the HR professionals’ body, found that almost half (48%) of UK employers who employ EU nationals believe that Brexit has led to an increase in the number of those expressing insecurity about their jobs. UK nationals working in the EU are no doubt experiencing similar emotions. 

Nl_Bijna een op de drie hr- en payrollprofessionals vreest dat hun organisatie vaardigheden mist om Brexit op te vangen_1200x800_1

How will a no-deal Brexit impact social security?

What will Brexit mean for the social security rights of UK nationals currently working in other EU states, and of nationals of the remaining 27 member states now in the UK? Will these cross-channel workers benefit, for example, from state pension contributions they made in the UK and vice versa if they return to their countries of origin?


Don’t miss out on INSIGHTFUL SPEAKER SESSIONS (and Belgian beer)

In addition to the launch of Global People Services, we’ll also be running two sessions of our own at this year’s conference – and trust us, they’re too good to miss!

Major news about Global People Services

Major news about Global People Services

One of the highlights of our UNLEASH calendar is certainly the launch of our one-stop solution for core-HR and payroll’s current and future needs: Global People Services. The offering opens a new category for the mid-size market, with an integrated single source of truth for HR & payroll, rolling out for the 15 countries in Europe.

Blog Prof

The Future is Bright for Payments and Payroll Professionals

The technological revolution in the payroll sector has been steadily advancing in recent years. However, with the rise—and demand—for contactless payments, payroll technology and cashless transactions increasing in the last few years, we now find ourselves at an exciting turning point in the industry.


Accelerate Your HR Brexit Planning

The clock is still ticking on the UK’s exit from the European Union and we’re still in the dark about the terms of its departure or what impact Brexit will have on employment both in the UK and the 27 remaining EU member states. With or without a deal and faced with this level of uncertainty, HR and payroll teams need to stay up to date with their HR Brexit planning and be ready for all scenarios.


Back to Work: 3 Ways to Maximise Productivity in your Payroll Department

The summer months can sometimes be quiet for the payroll department, as employees enjoy well deserved breaks. However, with the final quarters of the year approaching, it’s time to get back to work—payroll never takes a break, after all.


6 Ways to Enhance The Potential of Your HR Data

The data accessible to HR and payroll professionals has the potential to inform areas of the business beyond its basic necessities. There are several types of reports that can help your organisation work more efficiently, each with its specific purpose. When utilised to its maximum potential, HR & payroll data can provide useful insights such as opening up a detailed understanding of the organisation’s workforce.


How Technology Can Optimise HR and Payroll Over the Holidays

A recent SD Worx survey revealed that over half (57%) of European employees have the freedom to take a holiday when they choose. Although this can improve the work/life balance and autonomy of employees around Europe, it can leave departments a little stretched over the summer – a popular time to travel and enjoy the sun with friends and family. This can particularly affect the HR and payroll department – a business function that never stops. 
