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Are you ready for the future of HR?

The HR and payroll industry never stands still and is moving at a faster pace than ever. With frequent updates to legislation, increasingly global operations and swiftly developing new technologies, the future of HR is set to look completely different to the industry of today. 

Team Building Activiteis

Team building activities: do they work?

Every company strives to have effective working practices that allow employees to work together to get the best possible outcome. Many employers choose to organise Christmas team building activities to help boost workplace morale, increase productivity and collaboration between departments. 


International Teams: Making Global Business a Success

This tests an organisation's planning but offers an opportunity to revolutionise the way that your business runs, reducing overheads, saving time, and improving efficiency. For an employee, this, if done badly, can result in much frustration, a lack of productivity, and the desire to look elsewhere.

How GDPR effects non-EU based HR teams

How GDPR effects non-EU based HR teams

It’s likely that no matter whether an organization works in the EU or not, its heard of the General Data Protection Regulation. GDPR, which was implemented on the 25th May 2018, changes the ways that data is processed, stored, and used by organizations. Although GPDR focuses on the data of EU citizens, it is not limited to EU organizations. Wherever an organization is around the world, if they handle the data of EU citizens they must comply with GDPR laws and legislations. 

Improving morale_ tips on empowering your employee experience

Improving morale: tips on empowering your employee experience

Business Studies 101 tells us staff are the most valuable and expensive resource within any company, but how can your business create an empowering atmosphere within which employees flourish and morale is high?

The Importance of GDPR for Non-EU Based Organisations

Webinar: The Importance of GDPR for Non-EU Based Organisations

On 31st October, SD Worx is hosting an exclusive webinar, in collaboration with Ascender, to discuss the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and how it affects organisations outside of the EU.

Brexit are you ready?

What does a ‘hard Brexit’ mean for your international company and UK employees? - Join our Survey -

If no agreement between the UK and the European Union is reached at the EU summit on 18 and 19 October, the transitional period that would have applied until the end of 2020 will expire. As a result, on 29 March 2019, the UK’s membership in the EU will end, and EU law will no longer apply. If your company employs people in or from the UK, this change could be far-reaching. So, take the bull by the horns and avoid unpleasant surprises caused by a ‘no deal’ scenario by making the right preparations.


How to adapt to swift change in an organisation

Nothing turns your working world on its head quite as much as a big, sudden change in the way you need to work or the way in which the company you're working for is run. Whether it's due to changes in law, different leadership or any other reason, keeping up with big changes can seem like a difficult task, and it's easy to get off track.

How payroll reporting can power-up your staff planning

Simple steps to efficient staff planning

It sounds too simplistic to say that your workforce is the beating heart of your company, but it’s true. However, many businesses don’t practice strategic human resource (HR) planning. So why is staff planning so important?


Digitalisation: how to prepare your employees

With the growing importance of computers and technology in today’s world, the pressure for businesses to digitalise their workplace is rising. Although there are many benefits to be reaped, lots of people are still confused about what digitalisation is and how it will impact their employees.

Back to school

Back to School: Why Continuous Learning is Important in Payroll

September: the month that children dread as they make their return to school after the freedom of the long summer months. But for adults, especially those in the payroll industry, after the quiet summer period September should be a time to be motivated and to adopt that ‘back to school’ thinking.

The Power of Payroll: Unlock its Potential

The Power of Payroll: Unlock its Potential

The multinational payroll industry is set to be worth 4.8bn by 2021, yet, despite the evident power of payroll, only a third of multinational organizations have a global payroll provider. Instead, they rely on a disparate selection of multiple local providers and therefore have no access to collated data or a clear insight into their employee attrition, engagement, or retention.
