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Digital Workplace - Step 2: user experience

Streamline your HR processes and take the second step towards a strong digital workplace: optimising the user experience. Find out how in our blog post.

Hidden costs

The hidden costs of not digitalising HR

Yes, a HR digitalisation journey comes with a price, but doing nothing is worse. These are the costs you could avoid by building a digital workplace.

Digital workplace - Operational excellence

Digital workplace – Step 1: operational excellence

Simplify your HR tasks and take the first step towards a strong digital workplace: going for operational excellence. Find out how in our blog post.

the perfect match

Building a strong digital workplace: 4 steps

When building a strong digital workplace SD Worx helps you to create the perfect match between your employees, HR and business.  Check out our e-book. 

How PersoCORP_PersoPoint_Streamlined_Centralised_HR_with_SDWorx_SAP_solutions

How PersoPoint Streamlined and Centralised HR with SD Worx SAP solutions

See how SD Worx's award-winning HR implementation project boosted productivity & cut costs for PersoPoint. Discover the power of digital HR & SAP Payroll.

hologram projector screen with cloud system technology

How moving payroll to the cloud simplifies payroll processing

There’s a growing trend among European companies to move payroll processing from on-premises software to cloud-based solutions. A smart move. Here’s why.

piggy bank glasses with paper bags

When personalised and customised rewards become mainstream

With pay rises under pressure, HR teams increasingly focus on personalised and customised rewards to attract and retain employees. Discover 4 best practices.

Time management clock UK BLOG

Time management & cognitive bias: why is estimating our working hours so hard?

We should be able to define the length of time it will take us to perform a particular job, but reality is very different and shows consistently exceeded execution times.

This underestimation of the amount of time required has a name: cognitive bias in planning. So what are the solutions to address this and complete tasks within the allotted time?


5 common payroll errors (and how to avoid them)

By enhancing payroll efficiency, you can avoid making common payroll errors that could lead to legal penalties, loss of employee trust and more. Here’s how.

people working together

3 reasons why international companies should consider payroll outsourcing

Why is outsourcing becoming ever more popular in these times of continuous change? Or to put it another way, what exactly are the benefits of outsourcing payroll as your company expands internationally? Those who already reap the benefits of payroll outsourcing claim that these are the three most compelling:

group young business people working office

Your guide to outsourcing international payroll

By now, outsourcing is a common concept across the business world. However, although most people know roughly what the concept of outsourcing entails, there are still many uncertainties about what payroll outsourcing involves exactly, and how that works on an international level.

Time Management

Time and attendance: how to untangle the most complex payroll process

The 2023 Payroll Proficiency Index by SD Worx shows that time and attendance is dreaded by nearly half of European HR teams. Learn how to master it.
