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Employee engagement

In times when change has become the only constant, it’s essential to keep an eye on employee engagement. Is everyone still committed to your mission and connected to the team? If the answer is not a wholehearted ‘yes’, you’ll want to check out our content overview. Ready, set, engage!

Employee Engagement
Content types

How to be smart about HR's biggest challenges

The main HR challenges for 2022 are all about valuing people. This is how you can make a meaningful impact on employees and restore their zest for work.

vrouwen zitten op de bank met laptops

How to improve internal mobility: 5 easy-to-implement techniques

A recent employer survey by SD Worx, in which nearly 1,400 European companies shared their future intentions regarding HR, leaves no room for misunderstanding: internal mobility is top of mind. Companies are increasingly looking inwards for talent.

How to turn your workspace into an employee experience centre

How to turn your workspace into an employee experience centre

COVID-19 has a great impact on employees, with mass homeworking as one of the most remarkable outcomes. Many companies are pulling out all the stops to establish viable homeworking policies, implement digital tools and create a renewed organisational culture.


HR insights: bridging the language gap in international employment

Managing an international workforce involves various specialist tasks, such as declaring taxes to foreign administrations, monitoring complex labour laws and elaborating attractive reward systems. That’s why most companies outcource these error-prone tasks. Both local and global HR providers can make a big difference, but remember to make well-considered choices. If you’re looking to truly bridge literal and figurative language gaps, a global partner with vast local expertise is your go-to option. Here’s why.

Ramadan at work_ embrace the cultural diversity of your workforce

Ramadan at work: embrace the cultural diversity of your workforce

Ramadan is from 24 April to 23 May 2020. Muslims all over the world fast for a month and there is no eating and drinking between sunrise and sunset. How do you, as an employer, take this into account in the workplace?


3 HR and Management Resolutions for 2020

From being healthier to digital detoxes, many of us adopt resolutions at the start of the new year. However, it’s not only personal resolutions that should be set in January each year - professional goals should not be overlooked either. Employees might focus on their work/life balance or wellbeing, or might embark on various training sessions to improve their skills.


3 ways HR can improve employee engagement

Employee engagement is a hot topic in the industry today, with organisations looking to maximise the potential of their workforce in the digital age. However, a recent Harvard Business report revealed that although 71% ‘rank employee engagement as very important to achieving overall organisational success’, only 24% of respondents say their employees are ‘highly engaged’.

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Helping employees deal with Brexit uncertainty

A recent survey from the CIPD, the HR professionals’ body, found that almost half (48%) of UK employers who employ EU nationals believe that Brexit has led to an increase in the number of those expressing insecurity about their jobs. UK nationals working in the EU are no doubt experiencing similar emotions. 

Team Building Activiteis

Team building activities: do they work?

Every company strives to have effective working practices that allow employees to work together to get the best possible outcome. Many employers choose to organise Christmas team building activities to help boost workplace morale, increase productivity and collaboration between departments. 

Improving morale_ tips on empowering your employee experience

Improving morale: tips on empowering your employee experience

Business Studies 101 tells us staff are the most valuable and expensive resource within any company, but how can your business create an empowering atmosphere within which employees flourish and morale is high?


How to adapt to swift change in an organisation

Nothing turns your working world on its head quite as much as a big, sudden change in the way you need to work or the way in which the company you're working for is run. Whether it's due to changes in law, different leadership or any other reason, keeping up with big changes can seem like a difficult task, and it's easy to get off track.
