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Scary Payroll Mistakes

3 scary payroll mistakes for multinational organizations

Payroll is the lifeblood of an organization, so getting it right is crucial. When organizations branch out into new geographical locations, the risk of payroll mistakes heightens. It’s a scary thought for HR and payroll professionals. 


Total talent management: preparing for constant change

What will 2021 bring? After such a turbulent year, it would be audacious to start making big statements. But one thing seems to be a given: ‘the old normal’ is not coming back.

How Global Payroll Providers Can Help You Navigate Business Change

Turbulent Times: How Global Payroll Providers Can Help You Navigate Business Change

In today’s business landscape, organisations are facing uncertainty as they plan for the future. With covid-19 pandemic turning the world upside down, Brexit that has caused political instability across Europe, the rapid development of new technologies and the lure of moving operations overseas to reduce costs, how can we navigate these turbulent times?

How to turn your workspace into an employee experience centre

How to turn your workspace into an employee experience centre

COVID-19 has a great impact on employees, with mass homeworking as one of the most remarkable outcomes. Many companies are pulling out all the stops to establish viable homeworking policies, implement digital tools and create a renewed organisational culture.

HR In Today’s Fluid Environment_ More Like Poker Than Chess

HR In Today’s Fluid Environment: More Like Poker Than Chess

According to Professor Joe Perfetti from the University of Maryland, “The keyword for the 20th century was ‘speed’; the keyword for the 21st century is ‘agility’. And then COVID emerged to shake the business world up beyond our wildest imaginings. What does that does that mean for companies – and their HR teams?

Could HR tech be the answer to improving your worklife balance

Could HR tech be the answer to improving your work/life balance?

In the digital world, ensuring that you have a healthy work/life balance has never been so important. However, in this ‘always-on’ environment, it can prove difficult to step away from the world of work and to take that all-important break from your seemingly never-ending to do list. Some HR and payroll professionals see the introduction of HR tech as another cause of stress, with many fearing that it will threaten the future of the industry. However, the introduction of automation and other technologies could be the answer to empowering the HR professional and maintaining a healthy work/life balance.


Remote working challenges – and how to overcome them

As the adage goes, “the clever learn from their mistakes, but the truly wise learn from the mistakes of others”. With remote working here to stay in a post COVID-19 world, offering great experiences to remote workers is the key to high engagement, effortless collaboration and – in the end – higher performance. Familiarise yourself with the fails and learn how to win with remote working.

SD Worx collects sparks for charity and to combat coronavirus

SD Worx collects sparks for charity and to combat coronavirus

SD Worx is celebrating its 75th anniversary. Even in these challenging times in which the world is gripped by coronavirus, SD Worx does not want to let this occasion pass unnoticed. We have therefore collaborated with The Oval Office on an internal and external communications campaign to donate a total of EUR 150,000 to 75 different charities, nominated and chosen by SD Worx employees. Initiatives to help beat coronavirus receive special attention.


HR insights: bridging the language gap in international employment

Managing an international workforce involves various specialist tasks, such as declaring taxes to foreign administrations, monitoring complex labour laws and elaborating attractive reward systems. That’s why most companies outcource these error-prone tasks. Both local and global HR providers can make a big difference, but remember to make well-considered choices. If you’re looking to truly bridge literal and figurative language gaps, a global partner with vast local expertise is your go-to option. Here’s why.

How to get the most out of a Workforce Management System Empower Your Workforce (part 3)

Remote working is here to stay, so make it a win-win

The COVID-19 lockdown forced international companies to switch gears overnight: remote working was suddenly the norm. In most cases, the transition happened smoother than expected and significant benefits have now become apparent.


Shaping HR strategy in growing businesses: 3 trends

Europe is home to millions of expanding businesses, which play an increasingly vital role in job creation, economic growth and innovative power. They have a lot to gain in the digital era – as long as their HR strategies keep pace with the dynamic needs of their employees. Explore three powerful HR trends that are poised to impact your international company, and learn how to tackle them.

Ramadan at work_ embrace the cultural diversity of your workforce

Ramadan at work: embrace the cultural diversity of your workforce

Ramadan is from 24 April to 23 May 2020. Muslims all over the world fast for a month and there is no eating and drinking between sunrise and sunset. How do you, as an employer, take this into account in the workplace?
